Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The sweater is now finally 2'' long, it seemed to take forever, 203 stitches all around.  Now I get to start the next part and only 14'' or so stitches to go.  Possibly finished my November...hehehe.

Good luck to all on your current projects!

Check theses out, knitting needles with a ruler right on the needle, no more searching!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Current Project

This is the sweater I am making for my husband....shhhh it's a surprise!

I know it's very small right now, just over 1 inch. When I am finished it will look like this:

This pattern is available from

Best Beginner Links

This site is great for everything you need to know just starting out. Covers all the basics like casting, purl, knit.


If you need any inspiration this is the site for you:

Knitting Blogs of note:

Start Knitting today!

Knitting Funnies

Driving and knitting

The Trucker Staff3/6/2009

A policeman spots a woman driving and knitting at the same time. Driving up beside her, he shouts out the window... "Pull over!""No," she shouts back, "a pair of socks


Knitting's not Just for Granny Anymore

So you want to knit. Maby you have seen a great piece and figure you can make it yourself? Or a friend knits and makes it look easy. Or possibly yoou realize that you can be more productive in front of the t.v instead of just sitting there. Plus there is the bonus of hundreds of gifts for your friends and family.

Well this is your place to find all the good information about knitting on the web. Welcome, feel free to look around. Check out projects and get ready to pick up your needles and join in!